Ability to publish private videos from Vimeo

I want to keep some videos private on Vimeo, but make them available for viewing on my Shopify store. I understand this is only a wish-list feature right now. I want to add my vote for it.

It's definitely possible to publish private videos from Vimeo because the Sky Pilot app can already do it. Unfortunately, Sky Pilot places the videos in products, essentially putting them behind a paywall. That doesn't work for me. I want to show the videos on the regular pages in my shopify store.

I suspect Elfsight already knows how important this feature is. For example, the Elfsight "connect to vimeo" widget is requesting access to private videos, as well as public ones.

So I'm hoping this is something Elfsight is already working on. Please let me know if there's any chance to be a beta tester for this feature. I would be happy to help test.


Neil Cutcliffe

  • Guest
  • Apr 7 2020
  • Shipped
  • Sep 9, 2024

    Admin response

    Friends, private videos are now supported in your Vimeo Gallery widgets! 🎉

    Since this Wishlist portal moved to our community forum, you'll find all the details in this post.

    See you there!

  • Rick Donato commented
    3 Sep, 2021 11:12am

    Yep same. This would be a perfect plugin if it could do this.

  • Admin
    Helga R commented
    9 Jun, 2021 09:10am

    Dear folks!

    Thank you for your comments and ideas!

    We're sorry that our widget doesn't have all the features you were looking for and we understand that this one would be really useful.

    Our dev team will try their best to find out what can be done to make private videos displaying possible.

    Thank you for your patience and help!

  • Randy Kirschner commented
    1 Dec, 2020 06:59pm

    We can't use the plugin until this feature is implemented since we sell access to our videos and can't make them public.

  • Shane Brown commented
    10 Jul, 2020 04:28pm

    Having the ability to do private videos would allow us to create pages where only paying customers can view the videos. This would be a very useful feature for us because right now we are embedding each one in the page manually.

  • Guest commented
    27 Apr, 2020 08:11pm

    I'm sad :( I was going to purchase this plugin until I found out you can't have private videos in the gallery.