I want a simple slider to show my pictures on a webpage, no fancy transitions or controls.

Two pages one html and one css. linked to a control panel. I want to be able to control the size, insert content and adjust the speed.

  • Admin
    Helga R commented
    26 Apr, 2022 11:20am

    Hi Ben,

    Thank you for adding your request!

    I'd love to mention that we do have a couple of widgets to support your use case :)

    Please, check out our Slider widget - https://elfsight.com/slider-widget/

    and Photo Gallery widget - https://elfsight.com/photo-gallery-widget/.

    I believe these widgets could be suitable for your needs as you're welcome to display images via these widgets and set auto scroll. Also, if any deeper customization is needed, our Support Team is always happy to assist :)

    I hope it helped!

    Helga, Community Manager

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