Due to autoplay restrictions on mobile, background video is not being played on mobile. So it would be great if you can implement an option to add a picture instead of the video for mobile and meanwhile leave a video for desktop.
Hi Aleksandra,
Thanks a lot for adding this suggestion!
We also agree that it would be a good addition, and the good news is that we do have plans to release this very feature in one of the nearest updates.
If you've come up with some more detailed ideas, please feel free to share them in the comments here - we'll be happy to consider them all 🙂
Thank you for your help!
You won't be notified about changes to this idea.
Hi Aleksandra,
Thanks a lot for adding this suggestion!
We also agree that it would be a good addition, and the good news is that we do have plans to release this very feature in one of the nearest updates.
If you've come up with some more detailed ideas, please feel free to share them in the comments here - we'll be happy to consider them all 🙂
Thank you for your help!