
This also applies to the RSS Feed, and any other social wall like feature. We need to be able to run ads between the posts - either custom html or support for adwords, but preferably custom code that supports all.

We should be able to display an ad every "x" posts - or something of the nature. Its essential given this is an iframe and there is virtually no way to run ads on a page that holds the iframe, unless you make it very small - no ideal for UX.

  • Alex Albuquerque
  • May 30 2022
  • Future consideration
  • Admin
    Helga R commented
    1 Jun, 2022 07:53am

    Hi Alex,

    Thanks a lot for your suggestion and such a detailed description!

    Although this request sounds like a complex one, we'll try to see what we can do in our future updates.

    Thank you for helping us improve!

    Helga, Community Manager

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