Excluded Pages menu isn't wide enough to read URLs

Within SETTINGS > PAGES > EXCLUDED PAGES > Don't Display Pop-up on These Pages

It's absolutely impossible to read a list of URLs as the display ratio is limited to 31 characters wide, which is ridiculous considering most URLS are much more than this length, especially if one has a long domain name in the first place.

How are we meant to edit, scan or see what's in the list?

Can this black area on the Left not be expanded?

Or can this 'Don't Display Pop-Up on These Pages' list not be exported/imported to Excel?

The UI + UX for this is currently woeful imho.

  • Admin
    Helga R commented
    6 Oct, 2022 09:36am

    Hello Mark,

    Thanks a lot for this note!

    You know, I've checked this option now, and I cannot but agree with you. We'll try our best to consider your suggestion for one of the future updates.

    Thank you very much for helping us!

    Helga, Community Manager

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