Currency after the price

Depending on our country, we usually write 50€ instead of €50, in France, for exemple. Please give us the choice to use the currency before or after the amount.

  • Valentine T.
  • May 26 2020
  • Already exists
  • Valentine T. commented
    28 May, 2020 10:01am

    The Support Team suggest me to delete the choice of the Currency, and write € after the price manually. So now it works! Amazing, thanks!

  • Valentine T. commented
    28 May, 2020 09:31am

    Hi Vladimir,

    I sent to us a message ;-)
    Many thanks for your help. Hope they find out why it doesn't work.

  • Admin
    Helga R commented
    28 May, 2020 09:12am

    Dear Valentine,

    Thank you for your contribution!

    Would it be an option for you to contact our support team at and send us a link to the page with the widget? They will be delighted to help you implement your case.Thank you so much for your time!

  • Valentine T. commented
    27 May, 2020 10:47am

    Unfortunatly, it doesn't work... Do you know why? Because of the layout you think?

    Many thanks for your answer, I hope we find out the solution.

    Have a good day,
