Send an auto email specific to the product purchased through PayPal button

Hello, I just purchased your PayPal Button plugin. I am selling access to an online webinar. In the previous plugin I purchased, I was able to set an auto email to be sent out after a client purchases the product that sends them a description of the workshop they purchased and a direct link to the Zoom webinar. This would be extremely helpful for me to continue using this plugin.

Thank you,


  • Greg Jamiel
  • Oct 19 2020
  • Future consideration
  • Admin
    Helga R commented
    11 Apr, 2022 09:20am

    Hi Raumond,

    Thank you for your comment and suggestions!

    We'd be really grateful if you could open a separate request for the features you mentioned. It would make your suggestion be visible in the list of suggestions for PayPal button, thus be more visible for the dev team :)

    Thanks a lot for your help!

    Helga, Community Manager

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  • Raymond Kissoon commented
    7 Apr, 2022 07:01pm

    please make the paypal buttons compatible with email programs. eg; mailchimp, click dimensions, hubspot etc. So that it shows up directly in the email being sent out