The Wishlist has moved!
Dear friends,
This Wishlist Portal along with all the ideas have been transferred to our Forum, where you can not only leave your suggestions and ideas, but connect with the entire community 🙂
See you there! 👇
Elfsight Community Forum

Widget for announcements

I'd love to have a widget as a bar or something to display notifications or important information

  • Guest
  • Jun 8 2021
  • Shipped
  • Oct 19, 2023

    Admin response

    Hi friends,

    We're happy to announce our new widget: Announcement Bar! 🚀

    Since this Wishlist portal moved to our community forum, you can find more info here.


  • Admin
    Helga R commented
    June 08, 2021 09:16


    Thank you for adding this idea!

    We also think such a widget would be a great option, so we've already added it to our Coming Soon section 🙂

    You're welcome to see how it's going to look here -

    And if you have other suggestions regarding the possible options, please feel free to share them here.

    Thank you!