I see there is an SEO friendly landing page for this here - https://elfsight.com/content-locker-widget/
Would love for this to be made as we are now using webflow for our website and have no way to make this happen without the help of elfsight.
Previously I used a wordpress plugins to acheieve this. Here is the info on that in case it helps you and your team with planning and programing, etc.
They make two lockers - Social locker allows content to be unlocked by sharing about it, etc. The one we use on our site is their Opt-in Panda plugin that requires email sign up via manual entry, Facebook connection, linked in connection, gmail login or similar.
There is even a non-wordpress version of the social locker available here - https://codecanyon.net/item/social-locker-for-jquery/3408941?s_rank=4
Hope that helps and all the best.
Thanks so much Helga! I apprecaite it!
Thank you so much for adding your request and for all details provided!
We will try our best to consider all the options you mentioned to make the most suitable for your needs widget.
And please, if any other ideas come up, feel free to share them in the comments here.
Thanks a lot! 😊