SoundCloud feed

I'd like to suggest a new feed in the spirit of your Instagram feed.

A feed for SoundCloud where you could select a SoundCloud artists profile URL and that would define the feed (I don't know how possible it might be to also do this by specifying hashtags or playlists, but to me the artist seems the most obvious source and target).

The presentation could be as per the Instagram feed - a slider or mosaic of sqaure tiles, derived from the 'cover artwork' for the individual tracks - and again perhaps take the lead from your Instagram feed on the layout and styling options (columns, rows, navigation, colour styles etc).

In default / non-selected view the display would purely be the cover artworks - but on rollover or click then perhaps you then have an overlay on the track (semi-opaque definable colour) which features a simple set of "Play" controls, the main track info (track name, artist) and also social icons to share the SoundCloud URL for the track to key social channels, as well as a link to go to the track on SoundCloud.

If playing the track via your feed widget could also ensure that the 'play' is counted as a play on SoundCloud itself that would be even better.

I hope this sounds a practical and attractive idea - I would certainly buy it.

Keep up the good work - love your Instagram and Twitter feeds!

  • Gareth Bouch
  • May 21 2020
  • Planned
  • Admin
    Helga R commented
    16 Apr, 2021 10:06am

    Hello Gareth,

    Thank you for submitting your request and for the details provided!

    We are happy to say that we have this app on our list of Coming Soon widget -

    Please feel free to add any ideas and thoughts you might come up with in the comments here 🙂

    Thank you very much!