Add ability to format text

If we could just add line breaks, bold and bullet points to break up the text (as in all other job boards) then I would pay for the Elfsight job board. As it is, I simply will not use it as it does look professional enough.

  • Guest
  • Mar 3 2021
  • Shipped
  • Sep 6, 2021

    Admin response

    Dear friends,

    We're happy to announce that more options have been added to the Description field! 🎉

    Now you've got bullet points, bold options and many more to arrange the text and make it look as attractive as you desire!

    This is where you'll find them:

    1. Go to your widget Jobs tab and choose the job
    2. Find Description field and check the formatting options

    Feel free to test the widget along with all the features in the Job Board online demo!

    And if you have any thoughts to share, you're welcome to leave a comment 🙂

  • Guest commented
    25 Jul, 2021 07:19pm

    Not sure why this is listed as a "new idea"? This basic feature should have been built into the widget originally. common guys!

  • Guest commented
    25 Jul, 2021 07:15pm

    Not sure why you would greenlight this widget when the text field is severely crippled. No one wants to have a huge block of text without the ability to have line breaks or bullet points, especially for a job posting. I love the design but it's absolutely useless without this basic functionality.

  • Guest commented
    18 Mar, 2021 11:33am

    I totally second this! Without this functionality the job board looks unprofessional and poorly thought out