Custom CSS Assistance

Good day! I am posting the "wish" here as it is the app that brought me to the need, but I feel it applies to all apps.

The ability to customize the css is fantastic, but as users we lack of the proper information to do so on most apps.
It would be helpful that within the same screen some useful paramters to customize each particular app are shown, even with examples that one can "teak" for its own needs in order to match our websites.

  • Agustin Ullmann
  • May 17 2022
  • Future consideration
  • Admin
    Helga R commented
    20 May, 2022 07:16am

    Hello Agustin,

    Thanks a lot for adding this idea here, it sounds reasonable and really nice!

    I agree that it would be great to provide some help regarding the CSS, and we'll try to think about it.

    Thank you for helping us!

    Helga, Community Manager

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