Import events from an existing Google Calendar

Is there an option to import events from an existing Google Calendar to autopopulate the calendar app? 

  • Vladimir
  • Jan 13 2020
  • Shipped
  • Sep 9, 2024

    Admin response

    Friends, we're happy to announce that an import events option is already available! 🎉

    Since this Wishlist portal moved to our community forum, you'll find all the details in this post.

    See you there!

  • Admin
    Helga R commented
    30 Nov, 2022 12:29pm

    Hi Jared! My apologies for the long wait 🙏🏻

    I have to say that our Wishlist Portal has moved to our Community Forum, and all the discussions take place there now.

    The good news is that the feature to sync the Event Calendar with your Google calendar is added to our Q1—Q2 roadmap, and we're doing our best to meet the deadline :)

    Feel free to vote for this request and follow the updates here:

    Thank you!

  • Abdelghani Abu Ghazaleh commented
    23 Nov, 2022 07:32am

    Is there an update regarding this?

  • Katja Jaqueline commented
    14 Sep, 2022 09:41am

    I would love to see this feature.

  • [email protected] commented
    16 Jul, 2022 03:48am

    this would be incredibly helpful!

  • Adrian Alvarez commented
    23 May, 2022 02:22pm

    What would really be great is to import Google Calendar data into Event Calendar.

    That is, I would like the Event Calendar of my web page to take the data from Google Calendar as well as its updates.

    If it succeeds, I'm going to party for a couple of days.

  • Admin
    Helga R commented
    23 May, 2022 12:38pm

    Hello folks!

    Marion, I'm happy to say that you don't need to re-embed the code every time you edit your widgets - all you need to do is just press the Save button, and the widget on your website will be automatically updated :)

    I do believe you're loving our service and widgets, and please never hesitate to contact us should any help needed. Or you're most welcome to join your peers on our forum and get even more support there:

    Have a lovely day!

    Helga, Community Manager

    Join our online meeting space - Community Forum
    Keep up with latest updates - Facebook
    Get to know our team - Instagram

  • Marion Catlin commented
    22 May, 2022 10:46pm

    I am currently considering which calendar app to go with (Weebly site) as I need dynamic update from a calendar feed

  • Marion Catlin commented
    22 May, 2022 10:45pm

    So, reading this and being new to Elfsight calendar, can I confirm that currently I have to edit the event within Elfsight app and the re-embed the code in my website each time I add a new event or update something?

  • [email protected] commented
    9 May, 2022 07:30pm

    Dynamic population of events is critical. Whether Google Calendar or another calendar on the same website as the plugin itself it's got to happen. And ideally events could be pushed to your widget by tag so that certain events can be promoted specifically. Thanks.

  • Admin
    Helga R commented
    4 May, 2022 01:11pm

    Hello folks,

    Thanks a lot for your comments!

    We totally understand how needed and wanted this feature is, and I'm so very sorry that it hasn't been released yet.

    Much as we'd love to include it, I'm afraid it appeared to be a somewhat more arduous task than we had expected, and we're still thinking about the best ways.

    We see that this feature has got a lot of votes and you, Elfsight people, really need this option, and we'll do the best we can to pay a closer attention to this request.

    I've already been in touch with our Dev Team, and although I'm afraid this feature is unlikely to be released within Q2, we'll do everything possible to add it to Q3 roadmap.

    We're really sorry that we're making you wait for so long, and we do have a strong intention to get back to this request as soon as we can.

    Thank you so much for your understanding!

    Helga, Community Manager

    Join our online meeting space - Community Forum
    Keep up with latest updates - Facebook
    Get to know our team - Instagram

  • [email protected] commented
    3 May, 2022 10:53am

    This would be incredibly useful, has there been any further thought put into this idea?

  • James E commented
    26 May, 2021 09:36am

    It would also be great if this feature can automate with Google events listings. Useful tool for promoters/venues so that their event's calendar can automatically be pulled for google events listings -

  • m b commented
    14 May, 2021 12:28pm

    Moved to "Future Consideration"? such a needed feature it is..

  • James Reynolds commented
    17 Apr, 2021 12:08pm

    This was requested in Jan 2020 and is the most voted feature request for the Event Calendar. Can we get any insight where this is in the developmental stage? Or when this will be implemented? Thanks!

  • Guest commented
    30 Dec, 2020 07:05pm

    Same! Desperate for this feature.

  • Sean T commented
    30 Nov, 2020 01:33pm

    Wonderful Helga! Thank you so much!

    Is there any indication of when that may be? I'm on the fence of using another service as a stop-gap until Elf Sight has this functionality.

    Thanks again!

  • Admin
    Helga R commented
    16 Nov, 2020 03:21pm

    Hello Sean!

    We are sorry that this option is not yet available in our app. We will try our best to implement it in one of the nearest updates as we do understand how useful it would be.

    Thank you for your understanding!

  • Sean T commented
    16 Nov, 2020 09:38am

    I came here just for this feature. Would make my life so much easier.

  • Vic King commented
    19 May, 2020 12:35pm

    Even better than import would be a 2-way sync! Or at least a 1-way sync via scheduled import/update.