Deactivated event before publishing

It should be a way to make some events in the calender. deactivated so they wont appear in the published calender. but also just have the ability to make an event and have it ready in own section "unpublished" events. could be great furture if you wont an event to appear later.

  • dorian
  • Jan 28 2022
  • Shipped
  • Nov 28, 2022

    Admin response

    Hi friends,

    Great news: an option to hide your events is now out! 🎉

    Since our Wishlist portal has moved to our forum, feel welcome to join this update discussion here.


  • Admin
    Helga R commented
    31 Jan, 2022 07:51am

    Hi Dorian,

    Thank you for adding this request!

    Your idea sounds pretty nice and reasonable, and we'll try our best to think about it in one of our future updates.

    Thanks a lot for helping us!

    Helga, Community Manager

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