Add GDPR conformity

Currently, I cannot use the Contact Form widget since it won't let me add a dedicated Consent checkbox nor 3rd party scripts to save the users consent together with his email address and personal information.

Therefore, this form cannot be used inside the EU at this point. PLEASE MAKE THIS A PRIORITY!

  • Guest
  • Apr 14 2021
  • Shipped
  • Jun 15, 2022

    Admin response

    Dear friends,

    We're happy to say that Consent option is now on! 🎉

    Here's how you can find it:

    1. Go to your widget's Build Form tab

    2. Press Add Field button and choose Consent

    3. Customize the text and links the way you need

    Feel free to check things out in our online Contact Form demo!

    And as usual, your feedback is highly appreciated 🙂