When I'm inputting the product URL which is a part of variation product group
(for example https://www.amazon.com/Apple-iPhone-GSM-Unlocked-64GB/dp/B0775MV9K2/ref=sr_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=iphone&qid=1625573898&sr=8-5)
Elfsight downgliding the reviews for all the products in the variation.
I'm asking only to include the specific product reviews, for you to do so you need to use the following scraping URL:
The addition of "?formatType=current_format" tells Amazon to show reviews for the specific product and not for all the products variations.
Thank you for adding your idea!
I see how needed this option would be, and I do believe our dev team will be able to consider its implementation in one of the nearest updates.
Thanks a lot for your help!