Добавил гугл-локации нескольких филиалов компании. В итоге у меня список из абсолютно одинаковых карточек(((( возможно их как-то переименовать каждую? https://j.leadzilla.ru/1617457419519.jpg если нет - прошу передать разработчикам такую необходимость.
I added several Google-Map locations for reviews. And got a list of indistinguishable markers https://j.leadzilla.ru/1617457419519.jpg. It would be great to let a user to optional change labels to identify similar-source reviews' sources.
Hi friends!
We're happy to say that you now CAN rename the sources in your All-in-One-Reviews widgets! ⚡
Since this Wishlist Portal has moved to our forum, feel free to find more details regarding this update here.
Hello there,
Thank you for a wonderful idea, we will definitely consider it for future updates.
Do you have any specific ideas on how you'd like to see this option? We are very grateful for your feedback so feel free to share!